ANZAC Day 2020 will be very different during the unprecedented times of Covid-19. This year we may not be able to stand together at a service as we usually would, but we can still stand united in ANZAC spirit.
The Big Screen Company are honoured to partner with RSL Victoria to provide the television production of the ANZAC Dawn Service live from the Melbourne Shrine of Remembrance
The Dawn Service live broadcast will commence at 5:50am on Saturday 25th April and will be available on the free to air television networks and via a link on RSL Victoria and Shrine of Remembrance Facebook pages and YouTube Channels.
During the Dawn Service the RSL are inviting you to join them at 6:00am to ‘light up the dawn’ with a torch or candle by standing at the end of your driveway, on your balcony or in your living room to remember those who have served.
We appreciate the partnership and support of RSL Victoria and the Shrine of Remembrance to us during this time.
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank our valued and talented sub-contractors assisting us with the production of this special live event:
Lex Audio Visual, Phaseshift Productions, McLean Sound,
Microwave Technology and James Sherry.
Lest We Forget.
#Standto #lightupthedawn #anzacday2020 #anzac #LestWeForget #anzacspirit